

public administration, administration, civil protection, emergency, administration decision


The current system of public administration which has administrative and legal power can not fully fulfill its mandated tasks on ensuring the protection of population and territories from emergencies, thus improvement of this system in the field of emergency prevention and liquidation is regarded as an urgent issue.

Public servants and policy makers have to recognize the fact that conflicts and crises can potentially occur in any areas of their responsibility. Crisis situations require their consistent efforts to restore public confidence and integrity of administration mechanisms, while emergencies may also require efforts to limit the extent of damage to people, their property and the environment. Historical experience shows that the emergency is easily transformed into political crises and, in turn, into political conflicts during which authorities lose control of the development of events.

The risks of natural and man-made emergencies are considered as a factor determining the quality of life in regions of any country. Unfortunately, for Ukraine these risks are high enough, there is therefore a critical need for detailed elaboration of organizational and administration approaches to solving this complex problem. All of the above lead to the recognition that traditional approaches to administrating the overcoming of complex effects of emergencies often generate bad outcomes, that is proved by the experience. Also, the serious problem of effective emergency administration is the real complication or lack of coordination between official governmental, departmental and non-governmental bodies.

The reduction of time for the developing, making and implementing administration decisions, the growth of uncertainty and risk, the need for mobilizing extra resources from the reserves, the availability of different modes of operation of the state administration system in the event of emergency indicate that public administration in this area has certain features. Taking them into consideration by the state administration bodies in the event of emergency will reduce the likelihood of inadequate administration decisions, contribute to saving resources and time to eliminate the consequences of emergency, and reduce losses.

A systemic approach to administration suggests that it can be investigated both in terms of content and forms of its expression. Goals, functions and methods of administration in an integrated manner characterize the content of the activity and can have different aspects. The defining aspect can be called methodological one reflecting a set of principles, patterns and laws implemented into the administration process. They can determine the purpose, affected objects and ways to influence for the desired results as well as outcomes of administration decisionmaking under the conditions of emergency.


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How to Cite

Терент’єва , А. (2018). ADMINISTRATION DECISION-MAKING UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF EMERGENCY. Public Management, (2 (12), 207-223. Retrieved from


