

trust, social conflict, archetype, value, communicative strategy, responsibility, self-realization, value response, nonviolent communication


The article is being considered the stabilization and regulatory potential of communication strategies of trust in resolving social conflicts in the context of the value changes of the modernity, taking into account the priorities of self-realization, freedom of choice, human development. On the basis of the methodological potential of communication practical philosophy and analytical psychology, the analysis of the constructive effects of social conflicts in the search for ways of value coordination of a pluralistic society and expansion of nonviolent communication practices is carried out. The language of trust in resolving social conflicts is viewed in the aspect of problems of mutual understanding on the basis of the creation of joint meanings, the establishment of the value bases of mutual recognition, personal significance and awareness of one's own subjectivity (both individual and social).

In the sense of humanistic self-realization, trust as a positive action and value response helps to minimize the destructive potential of social conflicts, initiating the search for semantic horizons of understanding, affirming the norms of moral goodness, mutual recognition and ethos of care based on the symbolic actualization of the prototypes of life, stately good and light.


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How to Cite

Кожем’якіна, О. (2017). LANGUAGE OF TRUST IN RESOLVING OF SOCIAL CONFLICTS (ARCHETYPAL APPROACH). Public Management, (3 (8), 106-115. Retrieved from


