mechanisms of financial control, governance, structure, system, regulatory mechanismAbstract
It is determined that the mechanisms of management tools is actually achieving goals and that the mechanisms of government always made concrete and the use of available resources, so they should also be changed in accordance with the agreed targets. Therefore, only by improving governance mechanisms improved receptor — a system of financial control and its integrity.
It is established that the improvement of the state financial control and its integrity is through the use of financial, organizational and legal mechanisms of public administration. Preferred Presidency and the role can be in a single, separately applied to the system, the polity.
The function of system-organizational mechanism of government concerning an integrated system of financial control was revealed, which is to form the internal structure of the state financial control, which is central to organizational structure, establishing and organizing the structural links between its elements, building hierarchy. That is, there are connection components of the integrated system of financial control through their ownership and common goals and control functions, which are aimed at achieving the main goal of the state financial control.
Бюджетний Кодекс України від 8 липня 2010 р. № 2456-VІ [Елек- тронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу: — Загол. з екрану.
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