emancipatory values, modernization, social transformation, culture of trust, civil society, democracyAbstract
In the article the features of social transformations in modern Ukraine taking into account globalization trends and civilizational challenges present which exacerbate systemic crisis in the country. From the standpoint of the archetypal approach made the disclosure of sociocultural nature of emancipatory dynamics of value changes of our globalized reality the interrelation of emancipatory values and a formation of the structures of civil society, drawing special attention at features of the Ukrainian mentality in the ratio of individual and collective goals.
It is alleged that common to Ukrainian national character individualism as initiative and desire for independence and self-realization has clear features of democracy, which generally corresponds to the chosen course of European integration. Emancipatory values and culture of trust, acceptance and tolerance as one of the cornerstones of European culture could be the key socio-cultural reference points in strategies of modernization of Ukraine only with account of specificity of transformation of deep invariants of popular conscience of Ukrainians and their updating to the corresponding to proper spiritual tradition and to the defined prospective of the meanings.
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