Requirements for execution
An article should be relevant, justify a purpose and have statistically valid results of the author’s (authors) original research which hasn’t been published and considered by the editorial boards of other journals.
The language of the publication is Ukrainian and English.
The article is printed with the author’s photo, which must be sent to the editorial office in a separate file in electronic format (in the image format .jpg), good quality, informal (preferably documentary, or office), not less than 800 Kb, 10×12 cm in size.
General requirements:
1. You should indicate the following in the left upper corner:
- UDC;
- surname, name and patronymic (in full), scientific degree, academic ranks, a full name of post and institution where the author (co-authors) works or studies, institution address, e-mail of the author (all co-authors), ORCID ( – in two languages (in Ukrainian and English)
2. An article’s title, abstract and key words should be submitted in English and Ukrainian. Each abstract is at least 1800 characters without spacings.
According to the requirements of scientometric databases, the abstract shall consist of the purpose of the research, methodology, scientific novelty, conclusions.
The total number of key words is no less than three and no more than seven.
3. Requirements for the main part of the article:
- Introduction is an obligatory part involving scientific novelty and relevance of scientific decisions. The purpose of the research should be clear along with scientific-research tasks. An author should convey the research methodology and the logic of the material’s presentation;
- The main text should have separate sections with individual titles and elucidate the essence of each section. Avoid too long titles;
- An article shall have Conclusions demonstrating substantiated research findings and prospects for further studies.
4. References in the text are submitted in round brackets: an author’s surname – comma – publication year – comma – pages which contain information the author refer to (Bibikov, 2010, pp. 25–34). References to several pages are presented simultaneously by a semicolon (Bibikov, 2010; Pietrov, 2007; Ivanov, 2015), the indication of pages is optional.
5. Bibliography should have a minimum of 10 items in the source language (the list is arranged alphabetically and is not numbered; when drawing up the list, you should comply with the requirements of the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302: 2015 “Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules of composition”).
Bibliography should consist of some latest sources (for the last 3 years) and a minimum of one scientific article published in the journal indexed in Scopus or Web of Science.
There should be at least one reference in the text to each source from a Bibliography list.
6. The list of used sources is mentioned at the end of the article in English and in accordance with the international standard bibliographic description APA (American Psychological Association). The titles of Ukrainian sources are transliterated, and their translation are rendered in square brackets.
The used sources are submitted in alphabetical order and are not numbered. If a source has DOI, it is necessary to mention it.
Technical requirements:
- the article text should be keyboarded (editor WORD for WINDOWS) using Times New Roman, 14, line spacing – 1.5, edges: l2 cm on all sides; paragraph indent – 1.25;
- the volume of the article should be at least 10 pages (article optimal size – 20–24 thousand characters);
- it is not allowed to use the scanned or photographed diagrams, drawings, tables, etc.;
- in formulas only generally accepted characters are used;
- all table, pictures and graphics should be numbered, each should have a name;
- in constructing graphs keep in mind that the magazine is in black and white.