difficult life circumstances, internally displaced person, violent acts, women who have suffered from violence, social and psychological workAbstract
The article analyzes the individual and typological characteristics of women who suffered as a result of domestic violence. The concepts of “violence” and “violent actions” are revealed. It is emphasized that now Ukraine is one of the four countries in which the most frequent offense against women is various forms of violence. This especially applies to women who find themselves in difficult life circumstances, in particular, due to military conflicts, as a result of domestic violence, etc. Emphasis is placed on the relevance of the mentioned problem and the need for its urgent solution for psychologists, psychotherapists and social teachers and workers. The purpose of the article is to outline the relevance of highlighting the socio-psychological characteristics of women who have become victims of domestic violence. The problem of improving the quality of social and psychological work with women who have become victims of violence is quite acute for Ukraine now that our country is in a state of war. At the same time, the outlined general problem remains difficult for research, and therefore, for determining ways to improve the quality of providing social and psychological assistance to such women. The task for society to change the attitude of the community to the mentioned problem from tolerant, contemplative, passive to responsible one remains relevant. Therefore, our further work will consist in revealing the concepts of “violent acts against women”, “cruel treatment of women”, etc.
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