



Metaphor, personification, cognitive linguistics, conceptual metaphor, metaphysical poetry


The linguistic picture of the world is closely linked to the process of metaphorization, as human language depends on worldview and perception. Metaphor is one of the means of forming a linguistic picture of the world, which is realized with the help of concepts, the study of which allows to determine the way the poet mшasters the world. The aim of this article is to analyze metaphor that occupies an extremely important place in the mental process and in language, acting as one of the ways to reflect the linguistic picture of the world of the whole nation in a poetic text as an element of reflecting the semantic structure of the writer’s world. Methods of solving the tasks are theoretical analysis of scientific publications and fiction; descriptive analysis i.e. methods of comparison, typology of the analyzed material, method of contrastive and contextual analysis. Scientific novelty. It should be noted that metaphor, as a means of forming and expanding the lexical meaning of words, as well as the main way of cognitive-mental activity, has the ability to be a model of human knowledge in the mind of the individual and at the same time give the language expression. Thus, the metaphor is the result of cognitive and speech activity of man, which has the property of reflecting and storing national and cultural information. Artistic metaphor, being the work of a particular speaker, still remains the property of the national language, because the author, despite the individual perception of the situation, in one way or another depends on the language he chooses. As a conclusion metaphor is one of the characteristic features of artistic understanding of reality. Through the use of metaphors in the poetic text, the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature are transformed into highly poetic allegories. At the same time, in metaphors they are often “spiritualized”, approaching personification, it determines the construction of complex verbal poetic images that successfully combine the abstract with the subject-concrete, without distracting from the internal symbolic content.


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How to Cite

ВОЙТКО, Т. (2021). EXPANDED METAPHOR AS A CONCEPTUAL STYLISTIC DEVICE OF METAPHYSICAL POETRY AND METHODOLOGICAL BASES OF THE RESEARCH. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (1 (1), 12-17. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.philol.2021.1.2