
  • Nataliia VAIDYCH



pedagogical supervision, preparation of the teacher for carrying out pedagogical supervision, technique, component


According to the Law of Ukraine “On General Secondary Education”, educational institutions are designed to ensure adequate readiness of teachers to work in a person-centered education, which primarily involves mastering modern tools for studying the child's personality and building an educational process on a diagnostic basis. The purpose of the article is to study the problem of methods of development of components of teacher and student preparation for cooperation in the framework of pedagogical observation. The basic principles of functioning of pedagogical supervision are defined: purposefulness, plannedness, systematicity, objectivity, constancy, controllability. Scientific novelty. The novelty lies in the implementation of historical and logical analysis of views on the nature of pedagogical observation; clarification of the essence and structure of the concept of "pedagogical observation"; expanding the tools of pedagogical observation. Conclusions. The study revealed the willingness of teachers and students to cooperate in the framework of pedagogical observation. The state of this problem in psychological and pedagogical science was analyzed; factors of efficiency of a course of pedagogical supervision were studied.


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How to Cite

ВАЙДИЧ, Н. (2021). PEDAGOGICAL SUPERVІSІON. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (2 (2), 5-9.