
  • Anhelina НOYAN



phraseology, economic discourse, statistics


The article examines the features of application and the main pragmatic functions of phraseology in the discourse of economic headings of the modern German press. Based on statistical analysis, it is established for which publications the use of phraseology is most characteristic. The aim of the article is to study the functional aspect of phraseology in the discourse of economic sections of the modern German press. Scientific novelty. The intensive development of linguistics has forced linguists to pay attention to the role of different language units and categories in different types of discourse. After all, to know its nature, it is necessary to know the properties of the elements that make it up. By the term "discourse of economic sections of the press" we mean the whole set of texts on economic issues, which are proclaimed through the media. Phraseological units (PH) occupy a prominent place in this discourse, because they carry a special communicative load. Conclusions. The study found that phraseology in economic articles carry a significant pragmatic load: help to accurately describe the economic situation and its participants, describe their activities and state of affairs, emotionally and clearly emphasize and evaluate important information in the text, help the reader to form their own opinion. which, however, often depends on the intentions of the journalist, who successfully operates expressive FD.


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How to Cite

ГОЯН, А. (2021). THE FUNCTІONAL ASPECT OF IDІOMS ІN THE DІSCOURSE OF BUSІNESS AND ECONOMY SECTІONS ІN CONTEMPORARY GERMAN NEWSPAPER. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (2 (2), 10-14.