
  • Mykhailo ANISHCHENKO



corruption risks, corruption prevention, state administration, anti-corruption measures, theoretical and methodological foundations.


The article examines the theoretical and methodological foundations of state management of corruption risks. The article analyzes the approaches to determining the theoretical and methodological foundations of state management of corruption risks proposed by domestic and foreign scientists in the field of public administration, as well as from the standpoint of domestic and international anti-corruption legislation. It has been established that the identification and minimization of corruption risks, conditions and reasons accompanying their occurrence is fundamental in the anti-corruption system. It was found that the current anti-corruption legislation of Ukraine does not establish the essence and meaning of the concepts "corruption risk" and "state management of corruption risks". It was concluded that the existing definitions are characterized by inconsistency, they lack a deep, versatile approach to reflect the essence and content. Their own definitions of the terms are proposed: "corruption risk in the public administration system is a set of corruptionogenic factors (organizational, legal, economic, social, etc.) that are embedded in the public administration system and determine the possibility of committing a corruption offense or an offense related to corruption, creating a danger negative consequences for the vital interests of the individual, society, and the state" and "state management of corruption risks – the organizational and executive activity of the state, aimed at identifying and assessing corruption risks, as well as the development and implementation of measures to minimize the impact of risks during the implementation of public activities." These definitions are based on such fundamental concepts of the science of public administration as "corruption", "risks", "corruption offence", "corruption-related offence", "public administration". It is recommended to add them to the list of terms in Art. 1 of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption" for unambiguous interpretation and application. The need for further scientific research into the theoretical and methodological foundations of not only state, but also public corruption risk management in general in order to minimize the negative impact of corruption on the state and society as a whole is justified.


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How to Cite

АНІЩЕНКО, М. (2023). THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL BASIS OF CORRUPTION RISKS MANAGEMENT IN THE ACTIVITIES OF GOVERNMENTS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (3(63), 7-12.