
  • Solomia HANUSHCHYN



European Union, state, civil society, person, administration, management models, public management.


The article is devoted to the study of the influence of the current level of democratic transformations on the prospects of public administration reform. The study revealed that the European Union is a kind of political entity: on the one hand, it is a contractual union of member states, and on the other, it is a transnational organization that goes beyond the boundaries of member states. This two-dimensionality also defines the administrative and organizational mechanisms in the structure and procedures of the EU. At the same time, the EU administrative order is crucial not only for the development of legal regulation, public administration and social policy, but also for the implementation of economic policy: to make it easier and faster for investors entering the market to start business. It is argued that the functioning of the EU in a number of cases differs from the state administration of the member states. The main difference is that the organizational system of the EU cannot be attributed to any public administration organization. However, this does not mean that there is no public administration in the EU. There is something else about the EU, namely that the EU is based on contractual relations and does not have a Constitution. It is stipulated that there are a number of differences in the application of the rules of the administrative process in the member states. European states use different models of regulation, namely: in the first model, the law establishes special procedural rules for some administrative cases, but not for all procedural stages, but only for one of them; in the second model, for some administrative cases, the law establishes detailed and specific procedural rules that cover several or all stages of the process; according to the third model, in some groups of cases, special procedural rules are applied regarding the stages of the process; in the fourth model, countries that follow general procedural rules apply decisions according to which general procedural rules are established and applied, which apply to all administrative cases and at all stages of the process.


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How to Cite

ГАНУЩИН, С. (2023). PROSPECTS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REFORM IN THE CONTEXT OF MODERN DEMOCRATIC TRANSFORMATIONS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (3(63), 13-18.