
  • Serhii SHOSTAK



rehabilitation, preventive (prophylactic) medicine, health, social policy, medical reform, combatants, health protection, regulatory and legal acts, military personnel, medical and psychological rehabilitation.


Topicality. The article has a problematic nature and covers separate issues of preventive (prophylactic) medicine and comprehensive rehabilitation of servicemen of the Armed Forces (AF) of Ukraine under martial law. Features of the organization of rehabilitation of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who were injured during hostilities are outlined. An analysis of research and scientific publications was carried out with the identification of gaps in the substantive essence of state mechanisms for the formation of an efficient and effective system of rehabilitation and preventive medicine for military personnel within the framework of a single medical space for civilian health protection and medical support of the Armed Forces. The purpose and objectives of the article. The purpose of the article is to justify the need to improve the state management mechanisms of the interdepartmental communication system of the medical support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the health care of the civilian population to achieve the goal of building an effective system of medical support for the troops within the framework of the unified medical space of health care of Ukraine. To achieve the specified goal, it became necessary to determine ways to solve the existing problem, which in turn involves conducting research to solve the following tasks: – to analyze the evolution of measures regarding the organization of medical support of the Armed Forces in the context of the implementation of the state policy of Ukraine in the field of health care based on a comprehensive analysis of the current legal framework and available literary sources; – to reveal the essence and content of the conceptual foundations of the formation and implementation of the state policy of Ukraine in the field of health care to ensure the conditions for the effective operation of the comprehensive health care system of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and their family members through the creation of an effective system of rehabilitation and the implementation of preventive medicine measures within the framework the unified medical space of civilian health care and medical support of the Armed Forces; – reveal the essence and content of policy measures at the highest government level in the direction of prevention and preservation of health, taking into account social determinants; – outline the level of the current system of medical support for the troops regarding the implementation of preventive medicine and rehabilitation of servicemen of the defense forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the context of the implementation of NATO's leading methodology. Methodology. The methodological basis of the study was: the legislative and regulatory framework, publications, and research on the systemic approach to solving most of the tasks of management mechanisms for the improvement of the health care system of Ukraine in the context of medical support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine within the framework of a single medical space. Methods. For the study of legislative acts and normative documents, the system-analytical method, the method of content analysis, and bibliosemantic analysis were used. Scientific novelty: – the mechanisms of influence of the state management of the health-preserving content of complex rehabilitation as an organizational condition of the medical support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) have been clarified; – the essence of measures of preventive medicine and comprehensive rehabilitation of servicemen participating in combat operations is disclosed; – the debatable character of the solution of the mentioned problem at the state level is proposed, the ways of creating a system of interdepartmental communication within the framework of the unified health care space of Ukraine to build an efficient and systematic approach to the organization of an effective system of complex rehabilitation of military personnel are determined. The object of the research is the health-preserving component of the medical support of the troops and the system of complex rehabilitation of the servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who are involved in combat operations, and their family members. The subject of the study is the theoretical foundations of the mechanisms of the management of the medical support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine regarding the creation of an effective system of complex rehabilitation and the system of maintaining the health of military personnel.


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How to Cite

ШОСТАК, С. (2023). FUNCTIONING OF THE MEDICAL FORCES OF UKRAINE UNDER CONDITIONS OF HEALTH CARE SYSTEM REFORMING UNDER MARTIAL LAW IN UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (3(63), 133-142.