
  • Roman SHEVCHUK



public administration, public administration in the field of health care, public health, public-private partnership, mechanisms of public administration


Management mechanisms in the public and private sectors of health care are analyzed. The authors determined that the health care system has many shortcomings, such as a decrease in community satisfaction with access and quality of medical services, mainly due to existing infrastructural limitations. One solution is the effective use of public-private partnerships in this area in various forms, approaches and combinations. The main goal of public-private partnerships is to combine the capabilities, resources and qualifications of partners to achieve the best financial and material results and to maximize mutual benefit from this cooperation. It was determined that mechanisms of public-private partnerships in the field of health care have proven their value in many countries. The most common form is a concession agreement. It is concluded that public-private partnership is mutually beneficial and equal cooperation between public and private legal entities or individuals in the implementation of projects of public interest, in the implementation and execution of contracts, including concession contracts. The difficulties of implementing public management mechanisms in the field of health care are analyzed. Based on the scientific achievements of scientists regarding the state of implementation of public management mechanisms in the health care system, the main reasons for the low quality and efficiency of providing medical care to the population were identified and characterized, namely: insufficient number of experts; low level of qualification of clinical staff; insufficient amount and obsolescence of medical equipment; low wages and lack of effective incentive and motivation systems.


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How to Cite

ШЕВЧУК, Р. (2023). CURRENT PUBLIC MANAGEMENT IN THE SPHERE OF HEALTH PROTECTION IN UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (6(66), 79-85.