
  • Kyrylo NIKOLAEV



Environmental risk modeling, national security, Ukraine, climate change, environmental stability, risk management strategies, renewable energy sources, waste management, clean technologies


The author investigated the importance of environmental risk modeling in the context of Ukraine's national security, especially in the face of growing challenges such as industrialization, climate change, and natural disasters. Reasoned changes in the approach to national security, where the environmental aspect becomes an integral component. It is noted that inefficient management of natural resources can become a threat to the country's stability. It was determined that an individual approach to modeling and management is necessary, taking into account specific aspects of Ukraine, such as dependence on coal energy and water resources management. The importance of strategies aimed at the use of alternative energy sources, effective waste management and support of clean technologies is emphasized. In addition to the fact that these strategies are considered promising for achieving sustainable and ecologically safe development of Ukraine, it recognizes the need for significant state support and research. It was determined that the development of effective environmental risk modeling and management strategies is key to ensuring national security and creating a sustainable and environmentally safe future. Proposed strategies for supporting the use of technologies with low environmental impact. A number of measures have been identified, including the provision of state benefits and financial incentives for enterprises that use environmentally friendly technologies. Favorable conditions and financial support are offered to stimulate the transition to environmentally friendly technologies. It is emphasized that the allocation of funds for scientific research and innovative developments in order to create environmentally safe technologies. Analysis of these strategies indicates the need for state support to promote the use of environmentally friendly technologies in industry and to support scientific research for the development of innovations.


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How to Cite

НІКОЛАЄВ, К. (2023). MODELING OF ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS IN THE CONTEXT OF NATIONAL SECURITY OF UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (3(69), 52-56.