


Public management and administration; local self-government; electronic government


The article presents the results of the study The digital transformation of modern society, which significantly affects various spheres of life, including local self-government. This scientific work is devoted to the study of the impact of digitization and transformation of local self-government, by analyzing the role and significance of electronic technologies in changing approaches to optimizing the functions of local self-government. In particular, the work examines the effectiveness of the implementation of interactive platforms for the interaction of the public and authorities, as well as the impact of digital tools on ensuring transparency and openness in decision-making processes at the local government level, the role of Internet technologies in ensuring the active participation of citizens in solving local issues and forming a positive interaction between the public and the authorities. What makes it possible to analyze the activities of authorities and highlight the dynamics of changes in local self-government and determine the prospects for the further development of the modern information society. Also, the research has given a significant role to modern challenges and opportunities that have arisen as a result of the rapid development of the scientific and technical sector, the main purpose of which is to create favorable requirements for the informatization and digitalization of local self-government, the protection of personal information of citizens, cyber security, and the need to define ethical standards for the use of digital technologies in public-administrative processes. Particular attention is paid to interaction between different levels of government and the possibility of solving problems of coordination and integration of interlevel information systems. Based on the research results, conclusions are made regarding the potential benefits and challenges that accompany the digital transformation of local self-government, as well as proposed recommendations for optimizing the use of digital tools in the practice of local government. In addition, the article examines the importance of developing skills and competencies in the field of information technologies among local government and civil society workers. The authors analyze the possibilities for increasing the level of information literacy and creating educational programs aimed at ensuring a comprehensive understanding and use of digital tools to improve interaction between citizens and local self-government bodies. All these aspects help to determine the key directions of further research and development of digital local selfgovernment in the conditions of the modern information society.


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How to Cite

СЄМІЛЄТОВ, О. (2023). IMPACT OF DIGITALIZATION ON LOCAL GOVERNMENT TRANSFORMATION. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (4(70), 63-69.