


mechanisms of public management, local self-government bodies, psychological support, training programs, formation of stress resistance


In the article, an attempt was made to analyze the state of existence or development of mechanisms of state administration to provide psychological support to officials of local self-government, in particular during the period of martial law in Ukraine. The events of the large-scale invasion of the Russian aggressor into Ukraine proved that civil servants and officials of local self-government are among the population category that may be the first to be exposed to a greater risk, since officials are known in their communities and have authority, therefore forcing such people to work on the side of the conqueror or demonstrative liquidation of officials in front of residents of communities gives the enemy significant success in organizing work with the population of the occupied territory. The results of the analysis of Internet sources, legal acts, goals and objectives of grant projects, etc. showed that the least attention was paid to the psychological support of civil servants and, in particular, officials of local selfgovernment, who ensure the functioning and work of priority and important industries and enterprises for the life of the community. The exception, but not the rule, are individual projects of public organizations, but there is no developed state mechanism for providing psychological support to self-government employees. Thus, the need to develop not only special programs for the formation of stress resistance and psychological support of local selfgovernment employees in emergency situations, but also the mechanisms of state management of such training has been established.


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How to Cite

БАРАНОВА, В. (2024). PUBLIC MANAGEMENT OF PROVIDING PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF PUBLIC SERVANTS IN TODAY’S CONDITIONS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (6(72), 5-9.