Bulbeniuk S. S. Information Technology As A Means Of Constructing Social And Polutical Life: The Essence, Threats, Challenges.


  • S. S. Bulbeniuk


The article examines the influence of information technologies on the construction of the social and political life of society. Particular attention is paid to highlighting the peculiarities of modern information and communication influences on the mass consciousness, including information manipulations (on the example of the work of the mass communication system of the Russian Federation), as well as on the investigation of manifestations of information wars in recent years. It is argued that we can now speak of qualitatively new and other mechanisms of influence on the mass consciousness and socio-political behavior of citizens. If earlier, in the twentieth century, the main mechanism of influence on the consciousness and behavior of citizens was propaganda, today is dominated by more complex and veiled forms of information and communication influence. The author justifies the need to develop and implement a comprehensive program of state information policy as an effective mechanism for confronting the challenges and threats generated by the deployment of aggressive informational influences of internal and external character. The author substantiates that the development of a comprehensive program of state information policy in Ukraine now must includecoverage of the above-mentioned issues and problems, the best domestic scientists and analysts-practitioners should be involved in its preparation and implementation in conditions of maximum de-politicization of their activities. An effective strategy for combating information warfare should be based on the development and implementation of a comprehensive program of state information policy im26 plementation. Such a program should address different aspects of the functioning of the political system. For example, political communication is an important area in the implementation of a comprehensive program of state information policy — the process of transmitting political information that circulates from one part of the political system to another, at different levels of functioning of the political system and in the plane of interaction of the political system with other systems of society. Now for our country the issue of influence of mass communication on the state, society and individual citizens is being updated additionally: the past, 2019, became a memorable one for Ukraine and national political life, because over several months a presidential and parliamentary election that did not go without overt propaganda and without concealed manipulation of public opinion.
The full realization of the basic functions of political communication is one of the directions of the implementation of state information policy, which can become an effective deterrent to the unfair use of information technologies by certain social and political actors, effectively counteracting measures of the information war against Ukraine. Implementation of the most important functions of political communication in the state information policy of Ukraine: dissemination of ideological and political values, knowledge, political information, formation of political consciousness, dissemination of norms of political culture of political subjects (individuals, groups, political structures), integration and regulation of political relations, preparation and promoting public participation in political activity — should become a necessary component


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How to Cite

Бульбенюк, С. С. . (2024). Bulbeniuk S. S. Information Technology As A Means Of Constructing Social And Polutical Life: The Essence, Threats, Challenges. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (2(58), 19-28. Retrieved from https://journals.maup.com.ua/index.php/political/article/view/3240