Theoretical and social metamorphoses of modern politics as one of the most important elements of public administration.
Considering the essence and peculiarities of changing the status of modern politicsin human life, functioning of society, we point out the great role in these changes in the relationship between politics and law. We emphasize that politics, as a system of ideas, norms, values, needs, is intended not only to separate but also to unite people. Emphasis is also placed on the fact that modern public administration is based on political — legal and organizational — managerial principles. Often there are disputes that in the state, for its successful functioning is more important — politics or law. We believe that there can be no single answer. Even more complicated are the issues of the relationship between politics and economics, politics and business. In the context of market economic relations, such relations should be as civilized and democratic as possible. Such relationships should be based on the principles of social
justice, human rights and freedom. The findings emphasize that the transformations of modern politics are largely driven by changes in values and norms of social life. Crucial to this are the processes of liberalization, democratizationpublic life, which should be especially taken into account in the disengagement of all state — administrative processes.
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