Some Cognitive Measures Of The Sphero-Industrial Way Of Dynamization Of Social Development: The Result Of The Process Of Constitution Of The Authorshop.
The article reproduces the historiology of the author's development in the 1970s- 1980s of the problem of the spherological mode of dynamization of social development (hereinafter: the Dynamic mode). As a vague episteme, this idea emerged on the research horizon at the turn of the 1930s, when even in the West even Ford engineering and the brilliant duel of A.-J. Toynbee Challenge — Answer “has stuck in the wall of its capabilities”. That’s when the phenomenon of planning policy and scientific prediction appeared in the “peculiar lag” between Soviet time and the World Space. The phenomenon manifested itself quite properly in the 1930s — the first half of the 1950s — until the arrogant counter-phenomenon “Three-De” came to him: amateur – dogmatic – fool. The consequences of its destruction by the mid- 1970s — in the palm of your hand: voluntary correction of any plans; falsifying forecasts and projections into the future; stealing budgets at all levels; repression of apolitical professional staff; ostracizing dissenting intelligentsia; “methodical” impoverishment of the masses; the deportation of ethno-minority peoples and the like. By the end of the 1970s — an alternative to all this “black negativity” — the author came up with his political-spherical idea. The starting point was the opinion of the medieval scholar and poet Alcuin (7th c.): In itself a person and everything he creates — everything has a spherical shape. During 1975–1985, the first two models of Dynamic mode, “chain-stage” and “linear-spiral”, were opened in a series of “manuscripts on the table” and small-format publications. In the spring of 1986 (from the “submission” of the new Program of the CPSU and in the eu86 phoric search for the place of the Communist Party in the political system of the USSR), in the concept of the author, a third, sphere branch model was reflected. Its holdings include the following: (1) the definition of the phenomenon of “sphere of public life”; (2) breeding the concepts of “sphere of life” and “branch of activity”; (3) identifying the optimal number of public spheres; (4) the expedient placement has been restated in the context of five other areas of political, spiritual and ethnohistorical. In the depths of the last conflict lies a whole range of different roles of the
two leading institutions of the political sphere — the “party of power” and “political state”. The central theoretician of the article: it is from these two institutions that the nature, dynamics and vectors of each country’s development depend on its horizon. In the variety of interactions and reflections identified by the theoretician in the fall of 1987, the cognitive corpus of a new branch of science — socio-political spherology, according to which, naturally, the author thinks — the future is self-releasing.
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