Academic Culture and Challenges to Academic Integrity.


  • Y. A Mielkov
  • I. Bidzhiura


In the context of the philosophical consideration of such a phenomenon as academic decency, based on classical ideas about the values and imperatives of scientific activity and on the mission of the university, there is indicated by the causes of such a phenomenon as academic dysginess in general and plagiarism in particular. Academic integrity meets many challenges, which can not be overcome without exploring their causes. Two of the main reasons for this are the mass and commercialization of science, which leads to its crisis as a social institution, under formation of an information society. As a result of the first phenomenon the value and ethical standards of scientific activity, the central place among which is the selflessness of finding the truth, as if not the only one, then the ultimate goal and the motivation of doing science, turns into a moral order, for which only a few are guided in real life. As a way to break this contradiction can only be the pursuit of a certain hierarchy of values with the unbiased search for universal truth at the head that this hierarchy should be built up by each individual scientist, distinguishing the very same service of science from the statement of the science itself to service for completely different purposes. However, the spread of plagiarism and other manifestations of academic integrity in the student environment is a qualitatively different problem not only with mass and commercialization, but also with the development of information technology leading to the “illusion of omniscience” or “all-available knowledge”. Here, the answer to the challenges of academic integrity should be to educate future professionals not only in professional competencies, but in general competencies, high education and civic culture. That is why engaging students in a scientific culture that can serve as a ground for academic integrity.


In the context of the philosophical consideration of such a phenomenon as academic decency, based on classical ideas about the values and imperatives of
scientific activity and on the mission of the university, there is indicated by the causes of such a phenomenon as academic dysginess in general and plagiarism in particular. Academic integrity meets many challenges, which can not be overcome without exploring their causes. Two of the main reasons for this are the mass and commercialization of science, which leads to its crisis as a social institution, under formation of an information society. As a result of the first phenomenon the value and ethical standards of scientific activity, the central place among which is the selflessness of finding the truth, as if not the only one, then the ultimate goal and the motivation of doing science, turns into a moral order, for which only a few are guided in real life. As a way to break this contradiction can only be the pursuit of a certain hierarchy of values with the unbiased search for universal truth at the head that this hierarchy should
be built up by each individual scientist, distinguishing the very same service of science from the statement of the science itself to service for completely different purposes. However, the spread of plagiarism and other manifestations of academic integrity in the student environment is a qualitatively different
problem not only with mass and commercialization, but also with the development of information technology leading to the “illusion of omniscience” or “all-available knowledge”. Here, the answer to the challenges of academic integrity should be to educate future professionals not only in professional competencies, but in general competencies, high education and civic culture. That is why engaging students in a scientific culture that can serve as a ground for academic integrity.


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How to Cite

Мєлков, . Ю. А., & Бідзюра, І. П. (2024). Academic Culture and Challenges to Academic Integrity. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (1(55), 5-23. Retrieved from

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