Perederii I. Internet Community As Phenomenon Of Modern Global Information Space.


  • R. V. Hula,
  • I. Perederii I.


The role and place of the Internet network in the global information space are analyzed. The content concept of “cyberspace” is revealed and the author’s vision of disclosing his essence is proposed through a number of scientific approaches. The peculiarities of functioning the Internet community in the structure blogosphere with the help of socio-communicational technologies are considered. The processes of globalization and modernization have shaped the unique phenomenon of “virtual information policy” as a means of implementation and protection of national interests in cyberspace, which, in the conditions of rapid dissemination of the latest information technologies, requires the construction of fundamentally new principles of effective information policy. In the modern world, the latter is the prerogative of exclusively developed states; instead, for other participants in the informational and political space there is a danger of peculiar informational neo-colonialism. As a result, there is a problematic situation due to such processes: the modern information and political space, which is simultaneously in the process of globalization and trends in the integration, unification of the world,
is characterized by open and hidden information aggression, which is manifested through a plurality of forms and effects of the influence on the formation of a new social model — information society as the main subject of the information confrontation. Internet technologies have become a symbol of modernity, pluralization and democratization of information sources. They enable the person to seek and exchange the necessary information. Significantly increased the process of communication, organized on the principle of a pyramid, at the top of which — sources of information, in the basis — a lot of recipients. In the conditions of new information technologies there is a paradoxical phenomenon, when the number of manufacturers of information increases at times, and at the same time the number of consumers who understand its true meaning decreases. This causes the stressful states of a person,
causes so-called “information shock” due to the ability of the person to receive infinite amount of information and the probability of simultaneous “information overload”. Information space is a specific environment. It significantly changes the content of such phenomena as interaction, competition in the process of joint activity. In the event of forceful confrontation through this space, appropriate means and methods have an impact on real combat operations and military and ideological confrontation.


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How to Cite

Гула, Р. В., & Передерій, І. Г. (2024). Perederii I. Internet Community As Phenomenon Of Modern Global Information Space. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (2(56), 25-34. Retrieved from

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