Constructive Communicative Politics in Contemporary Ukraine as a Model of National Consolidation.


  • S. V. Savoysyka


In the article the constructive communication policy as a model for consolidation of the Ukrainian community. Attention is paid to the fact that many misunderstandings, conflicts and confrontations going on because of the ambiguity and confusion when the subjects of the political process is one and the same issue is perceived and interpreted differently or do not understand what’s going on and how to interpret a particular problem. The way out of this situation is constructive communication policy that is able to smooth out all the rough edges, to find the necessary arguments and reach a consensus with one or more issues. It is alleged that without effective communication policy communication no action at all is impossible, because it consists
of the following semantic structural elements, such as introduction of material or an event study the issue and its depth and comprehensive analysis, general consultation, discussion and agreement obscure topics that provide a compromise approach to solving problems is accepted. That is, without a proper and responsible approach to the problem to solve it is impossible. That is, without a rational approach to any problem, including national question can not be the consolidation of the Ukrainian nation, which can only unite on a common basis, providing proper knowledge and perception of the history of the Ukrainian people and its statehood, respect to Ukrainian ancestry, national legislation, the study of state/official language, the language posluhovuvannya and spread it to all areas and sectors of political life, respect for heroes, national values and heritage that should be considered
as joint achievements and others. It is proved that a nation can be consolidated on the basis of common history, territory, religion respected formed and developed language, culture, economics, public policy and more successful. However, these components of the communication process can divide Ukrainian community and split the country. It was found that constructive communication policy is successful in the area of energy efficiency and energy savings that can be made together based on mutual respect, cooperation, mutual understanding, trust, using appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities. Having thus agreed within a family, shared house, businesses, educational institutions, public and state institutions can reach an agreement with any issues, including energy.


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How to Cite

Савойська, С. В. . (2024). Constructive Communicative Politics in Contemporary Ukraine as a Model of National Consolidation. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (2(56), 65-71. Retrieved from

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