Human Resources Management In The Conditions Of Radical Transformations Of Contemporary Education: A Conceptual Aspect.


  • M. Hanak


The article highlights the peculiarities of working with staff in and university in conditions of transformations with existing higher education. The author substantiates the position that the further democratization of university life, the autonomization of the university, the expansion of self-governing foundations, requires and fundamental change and management of personnel in higher education. The world system of education, including higher education at the present stage of social development, is radically transforming, and, accordingly, the status, role, appointment of an employee of a university, personnel management, training of specialists of higher qualification radically changes. At the same time, the main factors of the general, globalization scale are: global globalization and integration, radical socio-economic transformations, especially in highly developed, post-industrial
societies, a fundamentally new status of a person with higher education, a qualitatively new appointment of university staff and others. This is especially true at the same time as the democratization of universities, their autonomy, and the development
of self-governing ambushes. In order to manage human behavior in an organization, the following system of methods is used in general: a) methods of administrative influence (orders, orders, job descriptions, regulations); b) system of material remuneration for labor;
c) various means of socio-psychological influence (formation of the corresponding psychological climate in the team, formation on the basis of psychological and 87 other features of individual working groups, in which people have the opportunity to cooperate as productively as possible. It should be noted that the most complex and least investigated were and are the means of socio- psychological impact on the behavior of the individual. Management of human behavior is largely due to its adaptation in the team, and not only in a certain initial period of stay in such a team. Since the people in the team are changing, the workers themselves are changing, the process of adaptation, in fact, it is a permanent process. Conclusion. Department of Higher Education, personnel in the system of higher education is increasingly democratized, based not only on the basis of state policy in education, but also on university self-government. Qualitative changes in the requirements for university staff — its preparation, selection, use in connection with radical changes in status, public purpose and the role of education. The listed and other components testify to the real need for radical restructuring of university management in general.


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How to Cite

Ганак, М. (2024). Human Resources Management In The Conditions Of Radical Transformations Of Contemporary Education: A Conceptual Aspect. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (2(56), 83-87. Retrieved from