
  • С. К. Костючков


We can not agree with the opinion of Arnold Toynbee that the history of every nation, state and civilization as a whole develops the principle challenge – response – a challenge. The formation of a new system of international relations comes at a time when actively realized the implication of modern multipolar system of international relations on modern trends in international relations: globalization, localization, integration and disintegration, global economic crisis and the changing role of nation states. Radical legal, political and social reforms changing patterns of socio-political reality, modify the conceptual design of existing models of international life potentsiyuyuchy formation of new world order projects that are based on the principles of cooperation, transparency, mutual accountability, political, social, economic and cultural partnership.


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How to Cite

Костючков, С. К. . (2024). СТРУКТУРНО-ФУНКЦІОНАЛЬНІ ОСОБЛИВОСТІ СИСТЕМИ МІЖНАРОДНИХ ВІДНОСИН У ПЕРШІЙ ДЕКАДІ ХХІ СТОЛІТТЯ. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (2(41), 39-44. Retrieved from https://journals.maup.com.ua/index.php/political/article/view/3405