
  • І. І. Климкова


In article the author considers and analyzes essence and features of culture of activity of truce envoys as representatives of culture of political elite through whom the basic values of political culture are embodied in mass, features parliamentary culture from the point of view institutional are considered, and also one of most prominent aspects of culture of activity of parliaments — internal culture of the organisation is allocated. The author considers parliamentary culture as a part of the general political cultureand as certain integrity which consists of external and internal (organizational) culture, cultures of decision-making. He pays attention that deputies and employees are carriers of organizational culture in a representative meeting. Therefore it demands consideration of character of mutual relations between employees and deputies. The culture of decisionmaking comprises a lot of constituting and demands considerable efforts and resources for development and support, but this culture is integrating and the representative meeting overall performance depends on its level defining degree.


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How to Cite

Климкова, І. І. . (2024). ОРГАНІЗАЦІЙНА КУЛЬТУРА ПАРЛАМЕНТСЬКОЇ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ: СУТНІСТЬ ТА ОСОБЛИВОСТІ. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (3(19), 160-166. Retrieved from

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