


form of organization of training, gender psychology, forms of organization of education in gender psychology


The author of the article specifies the content of the concept “form of organization of training”, clarifies the role of forms of organization of students’ training when studying the educational component “Gender Psychology” in the formation of the future competitive specialist with egalitarian worldview, ability to resist gender stereotypes and capacity to pursue professional activities on the gender approach. The analysis of forms of organization of students’ training when studying the educational component «Gender Psychology» has been carried out. The following forms of organization of students’ training have been considered: competition of students’ essays “Parents are a part of our world” in the nominations “My mother is a professional” and “My loving father”; mass open online courses on the Internet platforms Prometheus, Academic Earth, EDX, TED; gender cinema with a selection of films for each topic of the educational component; game-journey through gender planets “Masculine”, “Feminine”, “Androgynous”, training on the formation of gender-sensitive behavior of the individual in order to teach the culture of tolerant behavior in gender relations; scientific student group “Gender for Tender” aimed at understanding the causes and consequences of socio-cultural and gender issues; round table “Introduction of the gender approach in the activities of a modern educational institution” for public coverage and discussion of current issues of gender researches at all levels of education. The content and peculiarities of organization of the specified forms of students training have been revealed. The expediency of their use when studying the educational component “Gender Psychology” has been grounded. It was to develop skills to systematically and critically analyze gender issues, identify and oppose gender stereotypes, as well as to form a non-discriminatory environment and be ready to go beyond traditional socio-role ideas. The purpose of the article is the determination of the organizational forms of students’ learning during the studying of the educational component “Gender Psychology” and to specify the content and features of their organization. Conclusions. The introduction of students’ learning forms during the studying of the educational component “Gender Psychology” in order to form a tolerant attitude towards people with gender differences and the ability to appreciate and respect diversity and multiculturalism.


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How to Cite

ТАФІНЦЕВА, С. (2022). FORMS OF ORGANIZATION OF STUDENTS’ TRAINING WHEN STUDYING THE EDUCATIONAL COMPONENT “GENDER PSYCHOLOGY”. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (3 (52), 155-161.