professional speech competence, cognitive and functional criterion, managerAbstract
Mastering professional speech competence is one of the main parts of acquiring integral competence in the management specialty. This is due to the importance of professional speech, which is a tool for professional communication between managers of all levels. It helps to understand and comprehend all aspects of professional activities discussed in the professional process. The purpose of the article is to determine the essence of the cognitive and functional criterion and its influence on the process of acquiring professional speech competence by future managers. General scientific theoretical methods of research, analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization, using concretization, allowed us to analyze and form approaches to determine the essence of the cognitive and functional criterion of professional speech competence of future managers, as well as to suggest the main indicators for its evaluation. The cognitive and functional criterion reflects the cognitive process and the individual's intelligence. This criterion prioritizes the intelligent processes taking place in the person's mind. These processes result in knowledge that helps formalize existing professional skills into words and phrases to be understood by other participants in professional communication. We offer to use two indicators to evaluate the cognitive and functional criterion: the indicator of language awareness and the indicator of assimilation of professional categories. Conclusions. The cognitive and functional criterion is the basis for assessing professional speech competence. Further research in this area will allow forming an appropriate set of educational components that will ensure the best mastery of professional speech competence, which will increase the professional level of management applicants.
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