social intelligence, emotional intelligence, ability, behavior, personalityAbstract
The purpose of the article: to carry out a theoretical analysis of the basic scientific provisions on the psychological meaning of the concepts of “social intelligence” and “emotional intelligence” and to compare these concepts. Methodology: theoretical analysis, generalization. Conclusions. The comparison of the psychological essence of the concepts of “emotional intelligence” and “social intelligence” testified to their different content. Social intelligence is a complex integrated complex of knowledge and ability of the individual to know and solve life problems that determine the success of his interactions with other people and the effectiveness of adaptation in different situations of interactions. Emotional intelligence – a complex integrated complex of personality abilities: to know, understand, differentiate and realize emotions (one’s own and other people); apply emotions to activate their mental activity; apply knowledge of manifestations of emotions by other people to identify factors and solve different situations of social interactions; consciously manage their emotions and more. Emotional intelligence contributes to the establishment of successful interactions with other people, effective adaptation to different social conditions, achievement of life goals. The content of the concept of “social intelligence” is greater in volume than the concept of “emotional intelligence”. In contrast to emotional intelligence, social intelligence concerns not only knowledge and abilities for emotions, but also the behavior of personality in society. Many components of social intelligence are emotionally painted. Differences were only about such a component as the ability of the individual to predict behavior (both his and other people), which belongs only to the structure of social intelligence. The same functions of social and emotional intelligence are established – to ensure the success of personality interactions with other people and the effectiveness of its adaptation to different life situations.
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