reflection, professional speech, professional speech competenceAbstract
It is determined that mastering professional speech skills is one of the tasks facing the future manager on the way to acquiring professional competence. The category characterizing the successful mastery of professional speech skills is professional speech competence. One of the indicators characterizing it is the level of reflection of professional speech experience. It shows the individual’s ability to comprehend his/her own professional speech experience and evaluate the relevant interpretation of professional messages. The purpose of the work is to analyze the results of the empirical study of the level of reflection of professional speech experience of future managers. The author conducted the empirical study of the level of reflection of professional speech experience using the Methodol- ogy for determining the level of reflexivity by A. Karpov and V. Ponomariova and M. Snyder’s Internal Control Indicator test. The total number of respondents was 252 management applicants to Ukrainian universities. One has analyzed the level of this indicator among Bachelors and Masters. Empirical definition of the level of reflection of professional speech experience of future managers has become a scientific novelty. Conclusions. The results of the empirical study show that the majority of respondents (from 69% to 78% by different groups) have a low and very low level of reflection. It means that they have no desire to process past professional speech experience and will continue to make mistakes. 56% of respondents have an average level of internal control, which indicates their sincerity, but not restraint in their emotional manifestations. Thus, we consider it necessary to increase the level of internal control and reflection of professional speech activities of future managers.
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