


trust mind-set, fundamental assumptions, quality of life, martial law


The article examines relations between various aspects of fundamental assumptions (basic beliefs) as a trust mind-set and components of life quality satisfaction. A trust mind-set is a basic personality characteristic, while life quality satisfaction is a derived state that depends on many internal and external influences. Methodology. Citizens of Ukraine from all regions, involved on a voluntary basis through the mechanism of social advertising on Facebook, participated in the survey, 115 people totally, aged 18 to 65 years, average age of 47 years. There were 30 men, the rest were women. The fundamental assumptions were studied with Janoff-Bulman’s scales in the Ukrainian translation. To study life quality satisfaction, the appropriate methodology of O. Chikhantsova was used. Results and conclusions. The conducted analysis revealed a significant influence of a trust mind-set indicators on life quality satisfaction. However, different aspects of trust support different components of satisfaction. Thus, belief in benevolence of the world and people is a comprehensive characteristic supporting all component of life quality satisfaction. A person’s believe in worthiness of Self supports those components of life quality satisfaction that depend more on the person’s own efforts than those depending on external influences. These are such components as self-satisfaction, satisfaction with family life and relationships with family and friends, studies, work and the person’s level of education. Belief in meaningfulness of the world supports to a greater extent those components of life quality satisfaction, which depend less on a person him/herself, but more on a general socio-political situation in the country. These are such components as satisfaction with environment quality, one’s own health, a political-economic state of the country, one’s own financial level and security. The latest components of satisfaction showed a significant decrease during the military aggression, which indirectly indicates a decrease in faith in the world’s justice and controllability.


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How to Cite

ЧАЙКА, Г. (2024). THE INFLUENCE OF A TRUST MIND-SET ON LIFE QUALITY SATISFACTION. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (1(62), 31-37.