aggression, military personnel, military formations, gender differences, psychological support, physical aggression, verbal aggressionAbstract
The study of the level of aggressiveness among military personnel is becoming a topical topic in modern psychological literature, especially taking into account gender differences and their impact on the psychological state of people serving in military formations.The primary aim of this study was to identify and analyze aggression indicators among male and female military personnel. The following study tasks were determined: 1. Reviewing scientific literature and previous studies on aggression among military personnel; 2. Conducting empirical research on aggression levels among military personnel.The novelty of this study significantly expands current understanding of aggression among military personnel and sets the stage for more effective management of psychological well-being in combat conditions. The study sample consisted of 70 military personnel, with 39 men comprising the first group and 31 women comprising the second group. To achieve the study tasks, the Aggression Questionnaire by A. Buss and A. Durkee was utilized. Findings revealed that male military personnel exhibited higher levels of physical and verbal aggression compared to their female counterparts. They also showed more pronounced tendencies towards irritability and suspicion. At the same time, the group of women has a higher level of revealed feelings of guilt and indirect aggression. These findings underscore the importance of understanding gender differences in aggressive behavior among military personnel for effective planning of psychological support and training programs. This aspect is crucial not only for optimizing conditions for military service but also for preserving the mental health of military personnel.
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