


communication, communication process, public administration, interaction, civil society.


The article reveals that communications in the system of public administration are an official, legally purposeful regulated movement of individual subjects of government to social community while maintaining a certain autonomy, independence, initiative, individuality. He emphasized that the communicative process plays an important role in public administration, regardless of the form of communication. It was found that the communication process in public administration includes the following elements: public administration institutions and citizens, messages, communication channels, information barriers, feedback. It has been studied that external communication in public administration is aimed at influencing civil society or obtaining recommendations or coordinating positions with members of society, internal communication permeates the entire system of public administration from within and is the main driving force in management decisions. The purpose of the work. The aim of the article is to provide a theoretical justification of the main components of the communication process in public administration and a comprehensive analysis of the functions and types of communication in public administration. Methodology. The proposed article analyzes the features of communication in public administration. It is defined that communication is the exchange of information between two subjects of communicative interaction. It is emphasized that for public administration bodies an extremely important component of communicative activity is feedback and the transition from one-sided informing citizens about government actions to two-way communication civil society – public body – civil society. Scientific novelty. It is proved that communications should: ensure effective exchange of information between subjects and objects of management; to improve relations between the subjects of communication of different levels in the process of information exchange; create information channels for the exchange of information between individual employees and groups; establish and streamline information flows. Conclusions. It is emphasized that the use of communication systems in public administration is an important component of the process of preparation and decision-making. It is emphasized that there are different channels through which communication is carried out in the system of public administration, and it is quite difficult to determine which of them is the most important and necessary. Of course, official means of communication in public organizations carry more specifics and verified data than unofficial ones. It was found that communication cannot exist in isolation from the state and society, and society cannot develop without well-established communication. However, without mutual trust, feedback and timely information, communication between public institutions and society will not be effective and productive. It is determined that in this regard, leaders of public organizations and managers at various levels should look for ways, approaches to improve communication, establish informal, more efficient transmission channels, build their capacity through communication with subordinates, other leaders, continuous learning and personal growth.


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How to Cite

Майстренко, К. М. (2022). COMMUNICATIONS IN THE ACTIVITIES OF PUBLIC AUTHORITIES. Public Management, (1 (29), 93-98.


