components of public administration mechanisms, emergency circumstances, public authorities, population protection, national securityAbstract
The purpose of the work – to offer a new perspective on the organizational component of public management mechanisms in a crisis context. Methodology – content analysis of regulatory acts, structural and functional analysis of the elements of the state administration system under martial law. Scientific novelty: it is determined that implementation of effective protection of the population and territories under extraordinary circumstances, overcoming their negative consequences requires the coordinated functioning of all components of the public administration mechanism, a clear demarcation of the competence of public authorities at different levels, both state and regional. The article describes and evaluates the organizational component of the modern mechanism of public administration in emergency situations, protection of the population and territories from emergency situations, and identifies its shortcomings for the further formulation of scientifically based proposals to overcome them. Conclusions. The analysis of the research on the functional structure of public administration under emergency conditions demonstrates that one of the most important components of this process is the organization of management and the adjusted interdepartmental coordination of response, because their influence increases in proportion to the scale of the circumstances of an extraordinary nature, the complexity of the situation, the increase in the number of involved forces and material needs. The greater the scale of an emergency, the higher the requirements for the organization of management and the greater the final result of eliminating the consequences that may arise under emergency conditions depends on the effectiveness of management. Management must ensure the effective use of human resources of emergency rescue and mobile formations, the distribution of available and involved material resources in the process of eliminating the complex consequences of extraordinary circumstances of a social, natural, military and man-made nature, the facts of the introduction of a state of emergency and martial law. The legal and organizational components of public administration mechanisms under extraordinary circumstances are manifested in the activities of internal state bodies involved in the process of settlement of social, man-made, natural, and military incidents and phenomena for the implementation of additional measures of a political, legal, technical, organizational, and other nature for the settlement and normalization of the situation in the shortest possible time and with the least resource costs. The main role of the organizational component in the conditions of extraordinary circumstances belongs to the President of Ukraine, executive authorities, law enforcement agencies, as well as the civil society institute.
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