Peer-review process
on reviewing of scientific collection "Public management"
Peer-review process
The scientific articles submitted to the editorial office of the scientific collection "Public management" undergo a review process (with the provision of the anonymity of the reviewer's person).
A review should cover the following aspects:
- the correlation of the article’s content with its title;
- a degree of the article’s conformity with modern achievements of a scientific-theoretical thought;
- whether it is understandable for an intended audience in terms of language, style, materials, the visualization of tables, diagrams, figures etc.;
- the relevance of the article’s publication taking into account the available literature in a particular field; the article’s downsides and upsides, amendments the author should introduce;
- conclusion on a publication option in the journal: “recommended”, “recommended with due regard to compliance with peer reviewer’s comments”, or “not recommended”.
The reviewer reserves the right to reject an article that does not meet the requirements or subject matter of the publication.
An article, not recommended by the reviewer prior to publication, is not accepted for re-examination.
The presence of a positive review is not sufficient reason for the publication of the article.