constitution, term, terminology.Abstract
Terms in constitutions are universal units. On the basis of terms the legal terminology of other branches of law is formed. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the composition of terminology in the constitutions of Ukraine and Poland, to establish the characteristics of terminology in the constitutions of both states. Constitutional-legal terms are mostly general-legal, as they determine the basis for the formation of terminology in all branches of law, and reflect not only the worldview and ideology of a society with different approaches to law, morality or history, but also the level of world tradition of constitutionalism. The terminology of the constitutions of Ukraine and Poland has common features, which is determined by the time of their adoption (the Constitution of Ukraine was adopted on June 28, 1996, and the Constitution of Poland was adopted on April 2, 1997), as well as a similar historical and legal tradition. The texts of both constitutions were formed under the influence of the socio-political situation that existed both in the states themselves and in the European and international space. In the terminology of the constitutions of Ukraine and Poland there are both specific (national) and borrowed terms, including international words. As a result of the combination of specific and borrowed terms, there are formed hybrid terms. At the same time, some similar terms in the constitution of one state may be specific (national), and in the constitution of another state – borrowed. The legislators of both states have justifiably used a significant number of national tokens when writing the texts of constitutions, without artificially overloading them with foreign terms. The constitutions of Ukraine and Poland use both simple and complex terms (phrases) composed of words belonging to different parts of speech. Most of the terms set forth in the constitutions of Ukraine and Poland are not only constitutional and legal in nature, but are also universal terms used in the legal system as a whole.
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