law enforcement agencies, public administration, service, information work, control, optimization, interoperability.Abstract
Abstract. In thise article is defined that service in law enforcement activities is the performance by law enforcement agencies of functions aimed at serving social, economic, personal needs, interests, and protecting the rights of individuals and legal entities. In a broad sense, the service must be understood not only as the provision of administrative services by law enforcement agencies, but also as the infrastructure of actual access to the law enforcement function, which is implemented through the competence of specific officials, the proper performance of tasks. It is claimed that the simplicity, comprehensibility, interoperability, communicative potential of the law enforcement institution determines the quality and efficiency of its functioning. Finding the optimal balance in the harmonious coexistence of administrative coercion and ensuring the interests/needs of citizens in the sphere of law and order relations should be a key task of strategic planning for the development of law enforcement institutions. The information product, as a result of the service, should be characterized by the following characteristics of law enforcement information: legality, which, first of all, involves compliance with the prohibition of disclosure of information, the circulation of which is protected by law; intelligibility; timeliness and adequacy; accessibility, which implies the possibility of obtaining information in any way convenient for the requester. In order to improve the effectiveness of the law enforcement service system, additions should be made to the current regulations taking into account the state of war: to give priority to services and access to law enforcement functions to satisfy the interests and needs associated with the actions of the occupying forces; ensure enhanced identification and authentication of users of registries administered by law enforcement agencies; provide buildings with civil protection shelters, taking into account the forecasted number of visitors; reception of citizens is recommended to be transferred to online mode; to strengthen control over the provision of administrative services and the performance of their service functions by law enforcement agencies, to ensure the establishment of the right to information under the conditions of the restrictions associated with the wartime regime, to ensure that the recipients of services are informed in the event of the impossibility of providing the latter; to provide for the possibility of permanent duty in the buildings and visiting areas of the medical and psychological assistance service workers.
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