



criminology, non-governmental organizations, fight against crime, law enforcement agencies, criminological activity, crime prevention


Consideration of the modern foreign practice of public participation in the prevention of corruption crime provides grounds for possible borrowing of its individual components in order to improve the existing forms of interaction between the public and state bodies in Ukraine, as well as the formation of the latest strategy for the prevention of corruption crime. The anti-corruption experience of the countries under consideration is a certain reference point to which every country should strive, including Ukraine. Their main advantage is proper governance, because public authorities, exercising their powers, realize the importance of their own actions for the well-being of society, evaluate management activities as prestigious and value their own reputation. A systematic solution to a number of problems will help to build a way to increase the role and capabilities of civil society in the field of corruption prevention in Ukraine. It is noted that the main goal of the activity of "Columbia Neighborhood Watch" is to unite neighbors around the issue of crime prevention. The main measure of realization of this goal is supervision of neighbors for each other's safety. Attention to each other and coordination of joint actions lead to the fact that it is much more difficult for potential subjects of crimes to realize their illegal intention. As a result, the association of neighbors and the coordination of their actions through the non-governmental organization "Columbia Neighborhood Watch" leads to a decrease in the level of crime in the respective area. Emphasis is placed on the expediency of creating "neighborhood watches" in Ukraine, which will significantly reduce the level of property and violent crimes. As a rule, when analyzing the issue of crime prevention by certain entities, the activity of state law enforcement agencies is meant. At the same time, prevention of acts of tortious behavior is a complex process that encompasses the activities of a number of non-governmental organizations, whose role in protecting the most important social relations from illegal encroachments has been steadily growing in recent years. One of the main directions of the criminological activity of the non-governmental organization "Freedom in disasters" is revealed, which consists in the unification and coordination of the actions of various actors in the fight against crime (local specialists, international experts, scientific organizations, non-governmental organizations) in places of natural and man-made disasters. Appropriate work contributes to the elimination (neutralization) of the determinants of crimes related to human trafficking.


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How to Cite

Косяченко, К. Е. (2023). EXPERIENCE OF INTERNATIONAL NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS IN CRIME PREVENTION (THE CASE OF “COLUMBIA NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH” AND “FREEDOM IN DISASTERS”). Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (4(28), 6-10. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-9660-2023-4(28)-6-10