


effectiveness of public organization; public authorities; staffing; efficiency of staffing; personnel policy; public services; quality of public services


In modern conditions, the key to providing quality public services is effective staffing of public authorities. That is why the staffing of public authorities in Ukraine should be carried out by providing them with highly qualified and competent personnel. The system of staffing of public authorities in Ukraine is not effective and requires changes. On the other hand, the staffing of public authorities falls under the constant changes required by the modern public globalized world. The main factors that affect the quality of staffing of public authorities in Ukraine include a high level of bureaucracy and corruption, as well as the low prestige of service in public authorities, associated with a low level of social protection of employees and imperfection of the remuneration system. The article analyzes the professional level of employees of public authorities of the North-Eastern region of Ukraine, their ability to effectively perform their tasks, as well as to provide high-quality public services. The author shows the main factors that have been taken into account in recent years when inviting people to work in local authorities, ways of forming a personnel reserve, the main motives that determine the desire of people to work in public authorities, the opportunity for advanced training and career growth, as well as the availability of mechanisms for checking the effectiveness of the activities of individual employees of the organization. The author on the example of highly effective organizations proved the importance of the appropriate level of competence of individual employees, their ability to effectively perform their duties for the functioning of government and quality of public services. According to the results of the study, directions for the effective functioning of local authorities and further scientific research have been proposed.


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How to Cite

Красников, Є. В. (2023). MODERN REQUIREMENTS FOR THE QUALITY OF STAFFING PUBLIC AUTHORITIES. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (4(28), 17-25.