


machine learning, speech recognition, emotion recognition, MFCC, supervised learning, decision trees, MEL scale


Recognizing human emotions and speech is something that has always been an exciting research topic for scientists. In our work, we show that the parametrization of a vector is obtained and carried out from a sentence divided into an emotionally-informational containing part and an effectively used informational part. There are several characteristics of speech that distinguish it between utterances. Pitch, timbre, intensity, and vocal tone classify speech into multiple emotions. We have supplemented them with a new function of speech classification, which consists in dividing a sentence into an emotionally charged part of a sentence and a part that carries only informational load. Therefore, we can conclude that the speech pattern changes under the influence of different emotional environments. Since the identification of the emotional states of the speaker can be made on the basis of the Mel scale, MFCC is one of such options for studying the emotional aspects of the speaker’s utterances. In this paper, we implement a model to identify multiple MFCC emotional states for two datasets, classify the emotions for them based on MFCC characteristics, and compare them accordingly. Overall, this work implements a dataset minification-based classification model that uses averaging functions to improve the level of classification accuracy in various machine learning algorithms. In addition to the static analysis of the author’s tonal portrait, which is especially used in MFFC, we propose a new method of dynamic analysis of a sentence in processing and research as a new linguistic-emotional entity pronounced by the same author. Due to the ranking by importance of the characteristics of the MEL scale, we can parameterize the coordinates of the vectors being processed using the parameterized KNN method. Language recognition is a multilevel pattern recognition task. Here, acoustic signals are analyzed and structured as a hierarchy of structural elements, words, phrases and sentences. Each level of such a hierarchy can provide time constants: possible word sequences or known pronunciation types that reduce recognition errors to a lower level. The analysis of the dynamics of voice and speech is suitable for improving the quality of human perception and the formation of human speech by a machine. It is within the capabilities of artificial intelligence. Emotion results can be widely applied in e-learning platforms, automotive systems, medicine, etc.


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