


Christianity, idea, literary criticism, modernism, publicistic, theme, tradition


The purpose of this article is to analyze the publicistic and literary-critical legacy of Pavel Malyar in order to identify the main themes and ideas that characterize this author. The scientific novelty lies in the comprehensive review of Pavel Malyar's publications from 1942 to 1995 and their influence on the development of Ukrainian culture. The text analyzes the creativity and journalism of P. Malyar, focusing on his main themes and ideas. The author reveals that the theme of revival of Ukrainian culture, which is reflected in his works, became central for Malyar. In addition, the article notes the expansion of the subject to the question of Christianity in the second half of the 80s. Malyar expresses his opinion about the origin of Christianity in Ukraine and supports the opinion about the Ukrainian origin of Crimea. All these ideas contributed to the formation of Malyar's unique artistic style, which combines analytical with romanticism and ethnographic scrupulousness with sophisticated aesthetics. The results of the analysis indicate that the predominant theme in Malyar's publicistic work is the revival of Ukrainian culture. He emphasizes that national revival entails a return to the traditions of individual and national sovereignty, as well as the restoration of the spiritual roots of the Ukrainian people. Importantly, Malyar refers to the works of Hryhorii Skovoroda and Taras Shevchenko as symbols of national identity, drawing inspiration from the authority of the Bible, ancient culture, and folk creativity. This analysis demonstrates his view of Ukrainian history as an integral part of the history of European nations. In addition to his emphasis on cultural revival, Malyar also paid attention to the social and political aspects of Ukrainian life. Through his publications, he expressed opinions on important societal problems and emphasized the need for active participation of citizens in shaping the country's future. His work became an important source of information about the era and socio-cultural trends of his time, and his views and ideas remain relevant today, prompting thought and action. The conclusions of the article underscore the significance of Pavel Malyar's role in the revival and popularization of Ukrainian culture. His publications reflect his own worldview, shaped during the period of the Ukrainian Liberation Movement and the founding of the Ukrainian Republican Democratic Party, leaving a lasting impact on the history of Ukrainian literature and culture.


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How to Cite

ТРЕБИК, О., & ТКАЧЕНКО, Р. (2023). PUBLICISTIC AND LITERARY-CRITICAL WORKS OF PAVEL MALYAR: KEY THEMES AND IDEAS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (4 (9), 37-43.