


complex word, complex adjective, composite adjective, method of creation, composition


The article is devoted to the consideration of complex adjectives in the poetry of Stepan Sapelyak, in particular, their semantics, creation and features of use are characterized. In modern linguistics, the problems of composite vocabulary are highlighted in the works of L. Azarova, O. Bezpoyasko, K. Horodenska, V. Horpynych, M. Dolenka, E. Karpilovska, N. Klymenko, V. Lipych, M. Plyusch, N. Solohub, and others. Since we have not yet found scientific investigations devoted to the analysis of composite vocabulary in the poetic works of Stepan Sapelyak, it means that our research is relevant. The aim of the study is to analyze the semantics, creation and functioning features of complex adjectives in the poetry of Stepan Sapelyak. To realize the set goal, the following tasks were set: to separate and analyze the semantic groups of complex adjectives; consider ways of creating composite adjectives, describe their productive word-formation models; trace the peculiarities of the use of complex words in the analyzed poetry. The scientific novelty is that the article describes in detail the semantics and derivational structure of composite adjectives found in the poetry of Stepan Sapelyak, outlines the features of the writer’s idiostyle. In conclusion, it was found that in the poetry of Stepan Sapelyak, complex adjectives constitute a quantitatively large and semantically rich group of composites. Taking into account the lexical-grammatical approach, complex adjectives are combined into several semantic groups, namely: those that characterize a person; those that describe nature; depict parameters (shape, size, quantity, etc.); reflect sensory perception of the environment. The statistical comparisons revealed that the category of complex adjectives that relate to human characteristics is the largest. In a result of the word formation analysis, it was noticed that adjectival composites are most often formed by stem formation and mixed methods of word formation (complex-suffix and complex-inflectional). It was found that all complex adjectives used in Stepan Sapelyak’s poetry are formed according to traditional word-formation models characteristic of the modern Ukrainian language. It has been observed that in the poetic discourse of the writer, composite adjectives often create deep metaphorical images and acquire a symbolic sound. There are highlighted individually-authored lexemes and their aesthetic loading in the poetic text is described.


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How to Cite

БАБІЙ, І., & КУЗЬМА, Д. (2022). SEMANTIC USE AND DERIVATIONAL PARAMETERS OF COMPLEX ADJECTIVES IN THE POETRY OF STEPAN SAPELYAK. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (3 (5), 5-10.