



fascination, oral interpreting, interpreter’s image, artefactual fascination, voice fascination, interpreter’s competence


The aim of the research is to highlight the principles of the fascination theory related to the formation of the interpreter’s personality and the development of his/her professional competence. The research methodology is based on the concepts of fascination, interpreter’s linguistic personality and comprehensive professional competence of an interpreter. The phenomenon of fascination is interpreted as a way of optimizing communication with various expansive signals that target the content and form of the communicative message, affect its reliable perception and ensure the necessary adequate response. At the same time, the linguistic personality of an interpreter is defined as a set of linguistic abilities and verbal/non-verbal behavior. Translation competence includes interrelated sub-competencies with abilities, knowledge, language behavior and skills. The fascicular linguistic personality of an interpreter is manifested in specific translation decisions, individual style, verbal and nonverbal means. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that it is the first to consider the phenomenon of fascination in the context of studying the linguistic personality of an interpreter, to propose the principles of fascination of an interpreter’s activity, and to prove the role of fascination in interpreting. Fascination occupies a significant place in the information space, since it is able to modify information, influences the content of information through verbal and nonverbal forms. In this sense, fascination accompanies information, this is an additional background that enhances it. Conclusion. Fascination in the interpreting process appears as a stimulation, increasing the effectiveness of perception at the level of the recipient. Fascinative emotional elements accompany the information component of the message. Mastery of fascination indicates the communicative competence of the interpreter, who can present themselves as a “professional”. The fascinative linguistic personality of an interpreter is characterized by the ability to manage the impression, and the first impression plays a special role in this process.


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How to Cite

КОЗЯРЕВИЧ-ЗОЗУЛЯ, Л. (2022). FASCINATIVE FOUNDATIONS OF INTERPRETING ACTIVITY. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (3 (5), 16-21. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.philol.2022.3.3