infinitive, infinitive construction, translation, function, way, method, structure.Abstract
Translation as a type of communication activity plays an important social function. Correct and adequate translation is very important. It is necessary to preserve a form and content during translation taking into account an idea of the original text with its stylistic peculiarity. An important condition for this is comparison of different methods and functions in two languages. Therefore, the knowledge and understanding of the infinitive in English and its types and functions is very important. It is necessary to take into consideration the whole sentence to determine the function of the infinitive in a sentence. The ability to analyze grammatical structure of a part of speech and sentence in general, a correct building of a sentence according to norms and genre of a language is important to have an adequate translation. A correct understanding of a syntactic structure and morphological components as linguistic elements, which are direct carriers of the information, is important. The aim of the article is to investigate the functions of infinitive and infinitive constructions in a sentence and also types and methods of its translation. The given article predicts the following tasks to be fulfilled to achieve the stated above aim: 1) the definition of the infinitive, its types and functions in a sentence; 2) the definition of the methods of translation of infinitive and infinitive constructions from English into Ukrainian. Scientific novelty. Different types and functions of infinitive in a sentence were investigated and all possible types of translation from English into Ukrainian are demonstrated in the article. In other words, lexical and grammatical meaning of forms of a part of speech in English, its syntactic function in a sentence, its meaning as a component of some phrase taking into account also its context and norms, and peculiarities of Ukrainian language were investigated in the work. Conclusions. The research results and analysis of various possible methods and types of translation of infinitive and infinitive constructions for further investigations are provided in the conclusions. The main reasons having impact on the choice of a type of translation that is lexical and grammatical, and syntactic function of infinitive and infinitive constructions were presented.
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