


eophrase, phraseological unit, phraseological neoplasms, picture of the world, cognitive reproduction.


The article is devoted to the analysis of neo-phrases of military discourse that appeared during the full-scale invasion of Russia into the territory of Ukraine. Since idioms have become certain markers of linguistic picture of the world of military discourse formation, their study has gained great importance for understanding the complete picture of the world of Ukrainians during the war. The aim of the article is to analyze of new or already existing, but with a new meaning, phraseology in the functioning of the linguistic picture of the world during the war. In accordance with the goal, the task was set: to analyze neophrases of the period of the full-scale invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine; identify the main thematic subgroups of neophrases; to establish which phraseological components were the most active in the specified period; to find out how the picture of the world of Ukrainians during the war is objectified through the peculiarities of cognitive reproduction at the level of phraseological neoplasms. Scientific novelty. Neophrases of the thematic field of war can be divided according to their origin, namely, into the author’s sayings of politicians, defenders, mass media, cultural and artistic figures, etc., as well as folk ones. Key in a significant number of neophrases are such lexemes as Ukraine, Victory, Armed Forces of Ukraine. A separate group consists of phraseological units with a toponym component. Geographical name as a component has a motivational value that coordinates and organizes the multiple semantic components of onyms. Also characteristic of neophrases of the war period is the use of proper names, since these linguistic units are the fastest responding to cultural, political and historical events in society. Many phraseological units are formed with a certain key verb. Verbs that are used in the form of the imperative mood, as a rule, express wishes, requests, needs. A group of phraseological units built on antonymic basis is singled out, most of them are contextual antonyms. A separate group consists of phraseological units with an animalistic component (zoonym or ornithonym, while usually phraseological units with a zoo component reflect certain human traits that are formed on the basis of the correlation of stereotypes of the animal world and human traits, however, in neophrases of the war period they have a personified role of the natural world with full support in the fight against the enemy. The land was and is an important symbol of life and freedom for Ukrainians, so it is quite obvious that a group of phraseological units with this component was formed. Another group is formed by neophrases of a humorous or sarcastic nature, they are, as a rule, a certain form of psychological protection or mocking the enemies shortcomings.


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How to Cite

ІВАСИШИНА, Т., & КОМАРОВА, О. (2023). PHRASEOLOGISMS AS REPRESENTATIVES OF MILITARY DISCOURSE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (1 (6), 30-35.