



terminosystem, cosmetology, semantic analysis, terminology, terminological groups


The article describes the features of the French cosmetology terminology. Using the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, the French-language terminology of the modern cosmetic industry was classified according to certain semantic and stylistic features. Particular attention was paid to the specifics of the use and meaning of tokens for the designation of cosmetic preparations, cosmetic processes and cosmetic products. In order to better understand the system of cosmetic products, the article provided a brief description of the origins of cosmetology and a brief description of the process of its creation, as a scientific branch of beauty. A semantic analysis of the main terms of the French language in cosmetology was presented and given. Also, the main French terminological field was studied and presented, in which certain colloquials were identified and described, namely those used to indicate certain actions, certain effects and certain features of the cosmetic industry. In the process of research, terminological groups were singled out according to stylistic features in cosmetology designations. Thus, cases of the use of emotionally colored vocabulary in cosmetology texts were described. The use of epithets, as well as comparisons, metaphors, neologisms and cases of word play in the French-language system of cosmetology terms is noted. Cosmetology terms describe a variety of skin care procedures, products, and techniques, serving as an important tool for professionals in the field. In addition, French cosmetology terms were divided into thematic groups and it was found that each of them contains components of two semantic features. An in-depth semantic analysis was carried out both within thematic groups and within the general French cosmetology terminology. It was noted that all units of the cosmetology system have close semantic connections, that is, so-called direct (denotative) and indirect (connotative) relationships.


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How to Cite

ФУРМАНЕНКО, В., & БУЦЬ, Ж. (2023). LEXICO-SEMANTIC FEATURES OF THE FRENCH-SPEAKING TERMINOLOGY OF COSMETOLOGY. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (4 (9), 44-49. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.philol.2023.4.7