somatic phraseology, Ukrainian language, culture, semantics, somatisms, national mentality, phraseological units, cultural studies, body symbolismAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of lexical and semantic groups of somatisms in the architectonics of Ukrainian phraseology, based on the materials of lexicographic works. The aim of the article is to systematically analyse the lexical and semantic group of somatisms in the structure of Ukrainian phraseology on the basis of the Phraseological Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language and Phraseology of the Modern Ukrainian Language (eds. V. Uzhchenko, D. Uzhchenko), focusing on their classification, semantic and stylistic features, as well as cultural and cognitive aspects. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the systematisation of phraseological units with somatic components of the Ukrainian language according to their semantic structure, the identification of specific features of the somatic seme as carriers of national and cultural information, as well as the establishment of regularities of their functioning in the Ukrainian phraseology. The research methodology involves a comprehensive approach that integrates a number of scientific methods to achieve the goal. The work combines quantitative analysis, methods of lexical and semantic classification, component analysis of meanings, contextual analysis and cognitive approach to identify conceptual and cultural features of somatisms in phraseological units. The paper identifies the key lexical and semantic groups of somatisms, reveals their role in the phraseological system of the language and their influence on the formation of the national and cultural space. Phraseologisms with somatic components are an important means of verbalising emotions, interpersonal relationships and social stereotypes. The study has identified the main semantic groups of somatisms, in particular those related to emotional, physical and socio-cultural aspects. It is established that somatisms are an important tool of cognitive and cultural coding in Ukrainian phraseology. The results of the study can be used in lexicography, cognitive linguistics and intercultural communication.
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