


TV journalism, TV product, audiovisual content, text, text creation, text creation practices, creative writing, media, media production


This paper is devoted to the analysis of theoretical basis combined with established and new practices of texts creation in the field of TV journalism. The text in media in general and in the production of audiovisual content in particular has repeatedly become the focus of media linguists, language stylistics experts, creative writing specialists and psychologists. However, there is still a need for a multifaceted approach that demonstrates the necessity of combining general norms of speech culture with the texts management technologies in specific genres of TV journalism, considering the dynamics of trends and the impact on the audience. In addition, we reveal a pragmatic potential of TV journalism studies in higher education institutions, where media personnel are trained. The purpose of this paper is to systematize and analyse theoretical and applied approaches to creating text as a component of a TV product, which should meet the expectations of an audience consuming information on Internet platforms, and particularly on social networks. The topicality of this study stresses on the relevance of speech culture norms at the lexical and grammatical levels, which, besides contributing to the establishment of the state language in the media space, also serve as a factor in creating high-quality content, i.e., the one that ensures easy information perception. The examples of popular informational genres of TV journalism also demonstrate the tendency to saturate the language with slang words and jargon that bring content creators closer to the audience. Special attention is paid to creative writing techniques that are universal for creating text as a separate unit of author’s expression and a component of audiovisual content. This includes thorough selection of vocabulary and the variety of tools of producing syntactic constructions, aimed at balancing content and form. The analysis and systematization of theoretical approaches and modern text creation practices allow us concluding that audiovisual content reflects both established norms, developed in publications on the culture of journalist speech, and the audience’s demand for simplification and certain immediacy in screen communication.


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How to Cite

ЗАХАРОВ, В. (2024). THEORETICAL APPROACHES AND MODERN PRACTICES OF TEXTS CREATION IN TV JOURNALISM (INFORMATIONAL GENRES CASE STUDY). Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (4 (14), 29-37.