inclusive education, children with special educational needs, adaptation of educational materials, professional training, future teachers of the Ukrainian language and literatureAbstract
The introduction of inclusive education in general secondary education requires a conceptually new approach to training a language teacher who should possess excellent teaching skills and good theoretical knowledge, as well as be competent in working in an inclusive classroom. Therefore, the purpose of the scientific and methodological research is to propose and describe a modular course «Inclusive Education in General Secondary Education Institutions», to pay attention to the methods of teaching the Ukrainian language in an inclusive classroom. The research methods are as follows: analysis and synthesis of scientific, scientific and methodological literature and legislative documents, proposal and proof of a scientific and methodological hypothesis, generalization. Scientific and methodological ideas for establishing the discipline «Inclusive Education in General Secondary Education Institutions» for students graduating from the specialty 014 Secondary Education of the subject specialty 014.01 Secondary Education (Ukrainian Language and Literature) are proposed. The main forms of conducting classes are a classical lecture, a lecture-excursion to the inclusive resource center, a master class lecture, a guest lecture and practical classes in the university classrooms and the inclusive resource center. It is proposed to make a comparative analysis of a topic in Ukrainian language textbooks and a special Ukrainian language textbook for children with special educational needs and find out how the educational material is adapted for such students for independent work and practical classes. The attention is also drawn to such an important block of the discipline as the adaptation of materials for students with different types of inclusion (autism, cognitive developmental disabilities, hearing, vision, speech, musculoskeletal disorders; severe complex disorders) and different levels of support (from the first to the fifth). This block is divided into three parts: theoretical and analytical (analysis of basic scientific works and legislative documents and writing theses), comparative (comparison of textbook material and tasks posted on different online platforms) and creative and practical (creation of adaptive tasks through gamification, simplification of tasks, creation of images, diagrams and flash cards, etc.). Another option for independent work as a type of informal education is offered – attending a free course on inclusive education on well-known educational platforms, obtaining a certificate and defending the main provisions of the course. It is summarized that compulsory and elective disciplines related to inclusive education in general secondary education institutions should be included in the educational and professional teacher training programs, which will facilitate the work of future teachers in an inclusive classroom.
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