


integrated learning, foreign language teaching, communicative skills, cognitive abilities, cultural context, interdisciplinary connections, critical thinking


In today’s world of globalization and integration, a foreign language plays a pivotal role in students' professional and personal development, serving as a key to global education and scientific exchange. Studying subjects in a foreign language provides students access to the latest scientific research, international practices, and internship opportunities. Integrated learning is an effective approach that combines the study of foreign languages with professionally oriented disciplines. This article aims to explore the features of integrated language learning in higher education institutions, emphasizing its significance, advantages, and challenges. The authors argue that integrated learning enhances student motivation by enabling the practical application of the language in real-world tasks. This approach allows students to learn the theoretical aspects of a language and use it in contexts relevant to their lives and professional activities. The study examines how integrated learning fosters communicative competence and develops a professional vocabulary. The authors assert that it is a powerful tool for cultivating critical thinking, especially through working with foreign sources. However, despite its numerous advantages, the implementation of integrated learning faces certain challenges: insufficient proficiency in a foreign language among students and teachers, a lack of adapted teaching materials, and teacher overload due to teaching subjects in a non-native language, among others. The article addresses the planning and structuring of lessons to ensure that integrated learning is as effective as possible, facilitating the simultaneous acquisition of professional knowledge and the development of linguistic and communicative skills. Examples of tasks are provided for various lesson stages, depending on their overall goal.


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How to Cite

СУХАНОВА, Т., КОЛЯДА, І., & ВНУКОВА, К. (2024). INTEGRATION OF LANGUAGE AND PROFESSIONAL DISCIPLINES IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (4 (14), 81-85.