
  • Olena MOROZ




management, youth science, history, education, research, Kremenets, the philosophy of science.


The purpose of the research is to analyze and generalize the methodology of research and scientific searches of young scientists in the historical context on the example of educational institutions in Kremenets Ternopil region. The authors focused on the fact that the use of past experience will contribute to the development of modern scientific research of scientists in the difficult conditions of wartime. Research methods are relied on regionalist approaches to problem study. General scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison) were used. A SWOT-analysis of the scientific activity of Kremenets young researchers was used to highlight the main characteristics, positive sides, innovations and historical connections. Methods of source studies were used to analyze the typology and modeling of various types of information. In addition, the authors’ own work experience as young scientists was taken into account. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the creation of a comprehensive study of the problem of the history of the youth science development from the 19th to the 21st centuries. On the basis of critically analyzed facts, archival documents and the reconstruction of certain social and political events, it is proved that the synergy of scientific research of young scientists is aimed at studying the native region: historical past, traditions, flora and fauna, biography, etc. Conclusions. A retrospective logical-systemic analysis of the scientific work of young scientists helped to outline the following main trends: the traditionality and imitation of the methodology of scientific researches from lecturers to students (Volyn Gymnasium), the organizational and social nature of the organization of scientific and cognitive research from the 19th century to modern times; regionality of the scientific researches, which combines the study and research of the history of the region, the creativity of world-famous personalities of history, music, literature, philosophy, biology, etc. Youth science in Kremenets region at the present time is carried out on the basis of scientific tradition and rationality. It was formed in the process of a solid foundation of scientific research activities through the leading centers of scientific research of the past, the research heritage of defining figures of scientists from various fields of knowledge who successfully conducted their scientific research. Today, in the conditions of the Russians destruction of monuments of Ukrainian culture, it is important to preserve the achievements of past generations. In addition, the methodology of scientific research of young scientists is implemented through the prism of virtualization of scientific knowledge, innovative forms of scientific work, dialogicality, synergy, etc.


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How to Cite

СКАКАЛЬСЬКА, І., СЕМЕНЕЦЬ-ОРЛОВА, І., & МОРОЗ, О. (2023). HISTORY AND INNOVATIONS OF YOUTH SCIENCE MANAGEMENT (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE LOCAL ENVIRONMENT OF KREMENTSYA). Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (5(65), 69-77. https://doi.org/10.32689/2523-4625-2022-5(65)-11

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